The South Winneshiek Community School District Board of Education held its regularly scheduled board meeting on August 10, 2020 in the District Board room in Calmar. The meeting was called to order by board president Wendy Mihm-Herold at 5:30 pm.
After the Pledge of Allegiance was recited, roll call took place; Present: Patricia Schissel, Corey Meyer, Don Schroeder, Ron Hemesath and Wendy Mihm-Herold. Absent: None
Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Meyer to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Review and discussion about previous board minutes, financials, bills, appointments, resignations, open enrollments and donations took place. Moved by Meyer and seconded by Schissel to approve the consent items as presented, which included resignations of Marcia Nesvik – Paraprofessional; Paulette Doubek- Cook helper, Jennifer Wall – Paraprofesional. Appointments Harley McCabe – Assistant Varsity Volleyball coach, Step I $2571.00; Kim Paul – paraprofessional $11.00. Motion carried unanimously.
Mihm-Herold welcomed visitors.
Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Meyer to open the public hearing for continuance of the Instructional Support Levy. Motion carried unanimously. There were no comments received.
Moved by Meyer and seconded by Hemesath to close the public hearing for the continuance of the Instructional Support Levy. Motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Meyer to open the public hearing for changes to the FY21 school calendar. Motion carried unanimously. There were no comments received
Moved by Schissel and seconded by Schroeder to close the public hearing for changes to the FY21 school calendar. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Einck presented to the board the district’s return to learn plan.
There was no old business.
New Business:
- Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Schissel to approve the continued participation in the Instructional Support Levy. Motion carried unanimously via roll call vote: Aye: Schroeder, Schissel, Hemesath, Meyer and Mihm-Herold. Nay : none.
- Moved by Meyer and seconded to Hemesath to approve the changes to the FY21 school calendar which included moving January 18 professional development day to August 18. January 18 would become a day off for students and staff. Motion carried unanimously.
- Moved by Meyer and seconded by Schissel to appoint the Level I and Level II investigators as follows: EL/MS Level I – Jason Halverson, Principal; alternate – Mary Kleve, Guidance Counselor. HS Level I- Kris Einck, Principal; alternate – Connie Euans, Guidance Counselor. Level II investigator for both sites is the Calmar/Ossian police. Motion carried unanimously.
- Moved by Schissel and seconded by Hemesath to approve the South Winneshiek Return to Learn Plan that was reviewed by Mr. Einck. Motion carried unanimously.
Administrative reports were provided by Mr. Halverson and Mr. Einck.
The next regular meeting will be September 14, 2020 in the Ossian Library at the EL/MS.
Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Meyer to adjourn at 6:38 pm. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted
Kris Smith Wendy Mihm-Herold
Board Secretary Board President