March 20, 2020 Special School Board Meeting Minutes

South Winneshiek Community School District

Board of Education Special Meeting

March 20, 2020 @ 3:30 P.M.

The South Winneshiek Community School District held a special board meeting on March 20, 2020. The meeting was called to order at 3:30pm by board president Wendy Mihm-Herold.

After the Pledge of Allegiance was recited roll call took place: Present: Wendy Mihm-Herold, Ron Hemesath, Corey Meyer, Patricia Schissel, Don Schroeder.  Absent: None. 

Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Hemesath to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

New Business:  

  1. Moved by Meyer and seconded by Schissel that it may BE RESOLVED that the Superintendent is hereby authorized to place employees who work on a contracted or salaried basis and employees who work on an hourly and/or non-exempt basis on an approved leave for their contracted or assigned days or hours during the initial period of temporary closure and that said employees shall receive their customary and regular pay they would have been entitled to receive absent the closure.  If the District’s operations continue to be closed after the initial period of temporary closure, then the Board will reconvene and determine whether the Superintendent will continue to pay employees who work on a contracted or salaried basis and employees who work on an hourly and/or non-exempt basis during the temporary closure. Roll call vote: Aye: Schissel, Meyer and Mihm-Herold. Abstaining from vote: Schroeder and Hemesath. Nay: None. Motion carried. 
  2. Discussion took place about activities that were schedule through April 13.  All activities have been cancelled. Prom has been postponed at this time. Prom will be reevaluated as we continue to get updates from state and local public health officials about COVID 19 keeping the best interest of our students in mind. 
  3. Moved by Schissel and seconded by Schroeder to approve CH McGuinness to replace the steam traps at the high school $13,780.00. 

Administrative Reports: 

Mr. Einck gave a couple of updates.  Regarding the Grab and Go Meals “I want to thank Kristin Kriener, Debby Schmitt and all of St. Teresa of Calcutta for collaborating with us on the Grab and Go meals!  I want to thank Val Elsbernd, Brandi Hemesath, Jason Halverson, Mary Kleve, Connie Euans, Clark Goltz and Kris Smith for helping organize. I want to thank Jean Martin and Lindsey Haas for helping coordinate the drivers. And I want to thank Luther Anderson, John Frana, Keith Frana and Mike Johnson for volunteering to help deliver the meals!”  There is still time to sign up for the Grab and Go meals. Visit and view “Grab & Go Lunches available starting Monday March 23” under the News & Info section. 

Teachers may be sending out messages to students with optional resources and activities. Some activities may be posted on the South Winneshiek Web Site:  Continue to watch the website for updates. 

Disclaimer: These resources are being offered as an opportunity for students and families during this time of closure due to COVID-19.  There is no expectation that students and families use these resources. If you find that these resources are not accessible to your student please contact your teacher via email or phone for assistance or guidance to potential alternative resources.

Announcements:  The next regular meeting will be held on Monday April 13 at 5:30 in Calmar. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Kris Smith                                             Wendy Mihm-Herold

Board Secretary                                   Board President