February 13, 2023 School Board Meeting Minutes

South Winneshiek Community School District

Special & Regular School Board Meeting Agenda

Board Room – Calmar, Iowa

February 13, 2023 @ 5:30pm

Special School Board Meeting

The South Winneshiek CSD Board of Education held a special board meeting on February 13, 2023 in the Boardroom in Calmar.  The meeting was called to order by board president Wendy Mihm-Herold at 5:30 pm. 

After the Pledge of Allegiance was recited, roll call took place:  Present: Craig Neuzil, Ron Hemesath and Patricia Schissel.  Wendy Mihm-Herold was available via zoom. Absent:  Don Schroeder.

Moved by Hemesath and seconded by Schissel to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried unanimously. 

New Business: 

  1. Moved by Schissel and seconded by Neuzil to accept the opening proposal for negotiations from the South Winneshiek Education Association. Goal: To reach a contract settlement for the 2023-2024 school year that will be agreeable to both parties. Items of interest include but are not limited to Article VIII: Wages and Salaries. Motion carried unanimously. 

Moved by Neuzil and seconded by Hemesath to adjourn at 5:33 pm.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Respectfully Submitted


Kris Smith                               Wendy Mihm-Herold

Board Secretary                      Board President


The South Winneshiek CSD Board of Education held their regularly scheduled board meeting on February 13, 2023 in the Boardroom in Calmar.  The meeting was called to order by board president Wendy Mihm-Herold at 5:34 pm. 

Moved by Neuzil and seconded Hemesath to approve the agenda. 

Review and discussion about previous minutes, bills, resignations, appointments, open enrollments and donations took place.  Moved by Hemesath and seconded by Neuzil to approve the consent items which included the appointment of Emily Wadkins-Kullen – Teacher for the 2023-2024 school year BA step 10, Shira Streeter – District Office Account Specialist $22.00; Chloe Tieskoetter PT Para AA/BA Step 0 $11.75; Ryan Manternach – PT Para AA/BA Step 0 $11.75; Shahlo Alikhonzoda – FT Para AA/BA Step 0 $11.75; Carter Wenthold – Asst. Varsity Coach- Baseball $2965.65.  Renew Baseball and Softball contracts: Justin Izer Asst. Varsity Coach- Baseball $2965.65; Nathan Moonen – Volunteer Coach – Baseball; Ken Buchheit – Varsity Coach – Softball $4535.70; Sierra Breitsprecher – Asst. Varsity Coach – Softball $2965.65; Taylor Buchheit – Asst. Varsity Coach – Softball $2965.65.  The acceptance of computers from Luana Savings Bank. Motion carried unanimously. 

Mihm-Herold welcomed visitors. 

Old Business:  None

New Business: 

  1. Mr. Einck presented the South Winneshiek Education Association a response from the school board to their opening proposal: Goal to reach a wage settlement for the 2023-2024 school year that will be agreeable to both parties.  Items of Interest include – Base Wages. 
  2. Moved by Hemesath and seconded by Schissel to approve FY24 preschool rates of 3 YO Preschool $390 per month and 4 YO Preschool non instructional days of $180 per month. Motion carried unanimously. 
  3. Moved by Neuzil and seconded by Hemesath to approve the District Developed Special Education Service Delivery Plan. Motion carried unanimously.
  4. Moved by Hemesath and seconded by Neuzil to approve the purchase of a used 12 passenger van not to exceed $50,000.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  5. Moved by Neuzil and seconded by Schissel to donate four Hamilton Beach Toaster Ovens to the Depot Outlet.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Administrative Reports

  1. Ms. Pope presented her administrative report covering the Special Education Delivery Plan and Professional learning. 
  2. Mr. Halverson gave his report – Congratulations to Amira Frana for being entered in the Northeast Iowa Reading Council’s writing competition. Congratulations to Lori Luzum on receiving a $250 grant through the Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation for “Let’s Get Peeping”, used toward hatching chicks. Shout out to Mrs. Kleve and Mrs. Euans during National School Counselor Week! Thank you for all you do for students! We are very lucky to have them in the district! Knights of Columbus Spelling Bee winners and participants: 
    1. 4th grade – Jacob Christophersen, Franklin Bruess, Marlee Klimesh-Oblander, Josie Mann
    2. 5th grade – Trustin Ronan, Gannon Ohrt, Raelynn Massman (1st place – advanced)
    3. 6th grade – Evelynn Moonen, Payton Cox, Parker Willoughby, Louis Andera (2nd place – advanced)
    4. 7th grade – Alexis Johanningmeier, Luke Kruckman (2nd place – advanced), Amira Frana (1st place – advanced)
  3.  Mr. Williams provided his report:  Thank you to Norplex Micarta for a $1000 donation to be used toward STEM.  Thank you to the David Ludwig Estate for a $5000 donation to be used toward the fine arts department. Thank you for your generous support of our district!  Congratulations to Dawson Wenthold as being selected as a National Merit Scholarship Finalist.  The pool of finalists represents less than 1% of High School Seniors!  This is a major accomplishment – We are proud of you!  The Readers Theatre (A Breath Too Late) earned a Division 1 rating at the State Speech Contest – Josie Tieskoetter, Rachel Meyer, Annie Ondrashek, Aubrey Willey and Hannah Pahl.  The Ensemble Acting earned a Division 1 rating – Billie Wagner, Quinn Kruckman and Megan Hageman.  Congratulations to our Large Group Speech participants.   Congratulations to our Girls State Wrestling participants: Josseline Hageman, Kayden Meyer, Maddy Jansen and Isabelle Kipp.  Isabelle Kipp was the first South Winn Girls State Wrestling place winner, earning 7th place!  Good luck to our Boys State Wrestlers this week – Collin Holm. Kyle Kuboushek, Kaden Bullerman and Parker Timp.  Girls Basketball advanced to their next round for Tuesday night vs Aplington Parkersburg.  The Boys Basketball plays their first round tonight.  Good luck!
  4. Mr. Einck presented his administrative report to the board. 

The next regular meeting will be held March 13, 2023 in the Band Room in Ossian at 5:30 pm. 

Moved by Hemesath and seconded by Schissel to adjourn at 6:21 pm.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Respectfully submitted, 


Kris Smith                                  Wendy Mihm-Herold

Board Secretary                        Board President