February 8, 2021 School Board Meeting Minutes

The South Winneshiek Community School District Board of Education held its regularly scheduled board meeting on February 8, 2021 in the board room in Calmar, Iowa.  The meeting was called to order by board president Wendy Mihm-Herold at 5:31 pm. 

After the Pledge of Allegiance was recited, roll call took place; Present – Don Schroeder, Craig Neuzil, Wendy Mihm-Herold and Ron Hemesath.  Patricia Schissel arrived at 5:34 pm. 

Moved by Hemesath and seconded by Neuzil to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Review and discussion about previous board minutes, bills, appointments, resignations, open enrollments and donations took place. Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Hemesath to approve the consent items as presented:  Resignations: Rita Reilly – Paraprofessional.  Appointments: Connie Formanek – Assistant Large Group Speech – Step 1 $685.80; Courtnee Hahn – Head MS Girls Track Coach – Step 1 $1,885.95; Justin Izer – Assistant Baseball Coach – Step 1 $2,571.75; Kendra Parker – Paraprofessional $11.00; Breann Woltzen Paraprofessional $11.00.  Motion carried unanimously. 

President Mihm-Herold welcomed visitors.

Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Schissel to open the public hearing regarding the 2021-2022 School Calendar.  Roll Call Vote: Aye: Schroeder, Neuzil, Schissel, Hemesath and Mihm-Herold. Nay: None, motion carried unanimously.  There were no comments received from the public. 

Moved by Schissel and seconded by Neuzil to close the public hearing regarding the 2021-2022 School Calendar. Roll Call Vote: Aye: Schroeder, Neuzil, Schissel, Hemesath and Mihm-Herold. Nay: None, motion carried unanimously.

Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Hemesath to open the public hearing regarding the Stadium Project to use SAVE funds. Roll Call Vote: Aye: Schroeder, Neuzil, Schissel, Hemesath and Mihm-Herold. Nay: None, motion carried unanimously.  There were no comments received from the public.

Moved by Hemesath and seconded by Neuzil to close the public hearing regarding the Stadium Project to use SAVE funds.  Roll Call Vote: Aye: Schroeder, Neuzil, Schissel, Hemesath and Mihm-Herold. Nay: None, motion carried unanimously.

Old Business: none

New Business: 

  1. Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Schissel to approve the FY21-22 School Calendar.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  2. Moved by Neuzil and seconded by Hemesath to approve the use of SAVE funds for the SW Stadium Project.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  3. Moved by Neuzil and seconded by Schroeder to approve the early graduation of junior, Kayley Taylor, May 16, 2021 pending it does not interfere with any state requirements graduating one year early.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  4. Moved by Hemesath and seconded by Neuzil to approve the bus bid received from Thomas for a propane bus at the cost of $109,103.00.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  5. Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Hemesath to approve the work by Hawkeye Communications to update the door lock system at the HS and EL/MS for $5,455.00.  Motion carried unanimously. 
  6. Moved by Neuzil and seconded by Schissel to continue with the current options for high school students for one month, until the March 8 board meeting.  The three options are in person full-time, hybrid, or online full-time.  These are choices for all families.  The EL/MS resumed to all in person the week of February 1, although families still have the option to continue online full-time. Motion carried unanimously. The board wanted to thank all staff for going above and beyond to be able to offer what is best for students while keeping everyone safe.

Administrative reports were provided by Mr. Einck and Mr. Halverson.  

Please remember on March 2, 2021, we will be holding a special election to renew our Revenue Purpose Statement (RPS).  This is a ballot issue that describes the allowed uses for the 1-cent sales tax in the State of Iowa that is dedicated to all Iowa school districts. This 1-cent sales tax is known as SAVE (Secured an Advanced Vision for Education). This is NOT a vote on the SAVE funding. This is NOT a vote to increase the SAVE 1-cent sales tax. The sales tax rate is set by the legislature. This is only a vote to extend our current Revenue Purpose Statement to describe and outline the uses for which the 1-cent sales tax may be used at South Winneshiek. The full Revenue Purpose Statement can be found and reviewed on the South Winneshiek CSD website at southwinn.com

Moved by Hemesath and seconded by Schroeder to adjourn at 6:29 pm. Motion carried unanimously. 

The next regular meeting will be held March 8, 2021 in the band room at the El/MS in Ossian at 5:30 pm. 

Respectfully Submitted,

Kris Smith                                                   Wendy Mihm-Herold

Board Secretary                                         Board President