January 21, 2020 HS Announcements

Tuesday, January  21,  2020, Cycle 16, Day 4

  • There will be a musical meeting TODAY during advisory in the auditorium.
  • There will be a short meeting in the library during advisory today (Tuesday, Jan. 21) for those planning to attend district large group speech contest in Decorah this Saturday (Jan. 25th).
  • The Winter Formal has been postponed to this Saturday night, January 25th.
  • Girls and Boys Golf Sign-up Sheets are on the office counter.
  • Fruit money must be turned ASAP or students will be billed and not able to participate in the upcoming FFA contests and conventions.
  • College Visits:
    • The Hawkeye Community College rep will be here on Monday, February 3rd @ 10:30.  Please sign up or respond to this email if you would like to attend

Tues, Jan. 21st– char patty, bun, tomato & cheese slice, curly fries, applesauce

Wed. Jan. 22nd –   BBQ glazed chicken, WG bun, green beans, orange, apple crisp