January 8, 2020 School Board Work Session Minutes

South Winneshiek Community School District

Board of Education Board Meeting

January 8, 2020

  • The South Winneshiek Community School District Board of Education held a work session on January 8, 2020.  The work session was called to order at 5:14 pm by vice president Schroeder.
  • Present: Patricia Schissel, Don Schroeder, Ron Hemesath and Corey Meyer. Arriving at 5:54 pm Wendy Mihm-Herold
  • A motion was made by Hemesath and seconded by Meyer to approve the work session agenda to discuss financials. Motion carried unanimously.
  • Gary Sinclair was available via zoom and presented various scenarios from Forecast 5 regarding the history and future of unspent authority, revenues, expenditures and solvency ratios. Discussion about the scenarios took place.
  • Moved by Meyer and seconded by Schissel to adjourn at 8:35 pm. Motion carried unanimously. 


Respectfully submitted, 

Kris Smith                                                  Wendy Mihm-Herold

Board Secretary                                         Board President