January 9, 2023 School Board Meeting Minutes

The South Winneshiek CSD Board of Education held their regular board meeting on January 9, 2023 in the EL/MS music room in Ossian.  The meeting was called to order by board president Wendy Mihm-Herold at 5:30 pm. 

After the Pledge of Allegiance was recited, roll call took place: Present: Craig Neuzil, Ron Hemesath, Patricia Schissel, Don Schroeder and Wendy Mihm-Herold. Absent: None.

Moved by Schissel and seconded by Hemesath to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 

Review and discussion about previous minutes, bills, and resignations took place. Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Neuzil to approve the consent items which included the resignations of Jami Hollinrake – Human Resource director; Noah Tieskoetter and Kody Kleve – Assistant varsity baseball coaches. Motion carried unanimously. 

Mihm-Herold welcomed visitors. 

Old Business: 

  1. Moved by Neuzil and seconded by Hemesath to approve the amended descriptions of the director district boundaries. Motion carried unanimously. (The December 12, 2022 school board minutes reflected that all of the area within the school district in Madison Township, Sumner Township, and Lincoln Township, Winneshiek County was listed under director district 1 and also listed under director district 2 in error.)
    1. Director District 1: All of the area within the school district in Springfield Township, Winneshiek County that is west of Trout Creek; all of the area within the school district in Decorah Township, Winneshiek County; all of the area within the school district in Washington Township, Winneshiek County (excluding the city of Calmer); all of the area in Calmar Township, Winneshiek County including the city of Spillville, excluding the city of Calmar and excluding the area south and east of a line beginning at the east township line and 180th Street: thence westerly on 180th Street to 227th Avenue, thence southerly on 227th Avenue to 175th Street, thence westerly on 175th Street to the corporate limits of the city of Calmar, thence southerly and westerly along the corporate limits to the south township line (also 155th Street); all of the area within the school district in Madison Township, Sumner Township, and Lincoln Township, Winneshiek County.
    2. Director District 2: All of the area within the school district in Bloomfield Township, Winneshiek County that is north and east of a line beginning at the west township line and Sand Road: thence easterly along Sand Road to Centennial Road (also known as County Road W46), thence southeasterly along Centennial Road to its intersection with the Yellow River, thence easterly along the Yellow River to the school district boundary; all of the area within the school district in Frankville Township, Winneshiek County; all of the area within the school district in Springfield Township, Winneshiek County that is east of Trout Creek; all of the city of Calmar (2020 corporate limits); all of the area within Calmar Township that is south and east of a line beginning at the east township line and 180th Street: thence westerly on 180th Street to 227th Avenue, thence southerly on 227th Avenue to 175th Street, thence westerly on 175th Street to the corporate limits of the city of Calmar, thence southerly and westerly along the corporate limits to the south township line (also 155th Street).
    3. Director District 3: All of the area within the school district in Bloomfield Township, Winneshiek County that is south of a line beginning at the west township line and Sand Road: thence easterly along Sand Road to Centennial Road (also known as County Road W46), thence southeasterly along Centennial Road to its intersection with the Yellow River, thence easterly along the Yellow River to the school district boundary, includes the city of Castalia; all of the area within Military Township, including the city of Ossian.

New Business

  1. Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Schissel to approve the Modified Supplemental Amount for At Risk and Dropout Prevention of $191,515.00.  Motion carried unanimously. The uses for Dropout prevention were approved at the December 12, 2022 board meeting. 

Administrative reports were provided by Ms. Pope, Mr. Williams, Mr. Halverson and Mr. Einck. 

Announcements: The next regular school board meeting will be February 13, 2023 at 5:30 in the boardroom in Calmar.  

Moved by Hemesath and seconded by Schissel to adjourn at 6:37 pm.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Respectfully submitted

Kris Smith                                        Wendy Mihm-Herold

Board Secretary                               Board President