June 10, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes

South Winneshiek Community School District
Board of Education Regular Board Meeting
June 10, 2019

The South Winneshiek Community School District held their regular meeting on June 10, 2019. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by board president Wendy Mihm-Herold.

After the pledge of allegiance was recited roll call took place: Present: Wendy Mihm Herold, Don Schroeder, Patricia Schissel and Corey Meyer. Absent: Bob Busch.

Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Schissel to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.

President Mihm-Herold welcomed visitors.

Review and discussion about previous board minutes, financials, bills, appointments, resignations, open enrollments and donation took place. Moved by Schissel and seconded by Meyer to approve theconsent items as presented: Resignations – None; Appointments – None; Reassignment of Athletic Director to Jason Halverson. Motion carried unanimously.

Old Business:

  1. Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Schissel to approve the renewal of Policy Primer from IASB for $750.00. Motion carried unanimously.

New Business:

  1. Moved by Meyer and seconded by Schroeder to approve all hand books as presented with the exception to the coaches hand book under the Emergency Action Plan to move first responders up the list of chain of command to be placed after Athletic Trainer. Motion carried unanimously.
  2. Discussion took place to hold the July 8 meeting in Ossian at the EL/MS library at 6:00 pm.
  3. Moved by Schissel and seconded by Meyer to approve the Somos Spanish curriculum for$1,234.40. Motion carried unanimously.
  4. Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Schissel to approve the bid from Storey Kenworthy for the HS library furniture not to exceed $6590.68. Motion carried unanimously.
  5. Moved by Meyer and seconded by Schroeder to approve wage increases for staff not covered under a bargaining agreement: Einck $5,000, K. Smith $3,500, J. Halverson $3,100 and 1.87% increase for J. Martin and B. Gullickson. Voting Aye: Schroeder, Meyer, Mihm-Herold; Nay:Schissel, motion carried.
  6. Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Meyer to approve substitute and other rates: Substituteteachers $110, Long-term Substitute $177.17, Activity bus rate $15.00, Shuttle rate $9.00, Bus Route Mileage rate $1.00, Substitute cook, custodian, secretary, para and summer help $10.00.Voting Aye: Schroeder, Meyer and Mihm-Herold. Nay – None. Abstaining – Schissel. Motion carried.
  7. Moved by Meyer and seconded by Schroeder to approve mileage reimbursement at $0.39 and to discontinue the $30.00 for cell phone reimbursements. After discussion the motion was amended by Meyer and seconded by Schroeder to approve the mileage reimbursement at $.39and to discontinue the $30.00 for cell phone reimbursement with the request to bring to the next meeting an evaluation of which is more cost effective a $30 stipend or a furnished phone.The amended motion carried.
  8. Moved by Schissel and seconded by Meyer to approve additional locks at the elementary for$12,947.15 plus labor and keys. Motion carried unanimously.
  9. Moved by Schissel and seconded by Schroeder to approve the operational sharing agreement with Keystone for a social worker two days per week. Motion carried unanimously.
  10. Moved by Meyer and seconded by Schroeder to approve the bid from Dalco for a floor strip machine and portable scrubber for $3,911.63. Motion carried unanimously.
  11. Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Meyer to approve the K-2 Guided math intervention curriculum for $2099.85 plus shipping. Motion carried unanimously.

Administrative Reports:

  1. Mr. Halverson provided his administrative report highlighting the field day held at the EL/MS.
  2. Mr. Einck shared a link to the Iowa School Report Card indicating that SW is at the top end of the profile.

Announcements: The July 8 regular board meeting will be held at the EL/MS in Ossian at 6:00 pm.

The board would like to extend their sincere appreciation to Jeff Schissel for his dedication to South Winneshiek CSD for the past 29 years. Best of luck on your retirement Jeff.

Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Meyer to adjourn at 7:20. Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Kris Smith – Board Secretary
Wendy Mihm-Herold – Board President