The South Winneshiek CSD Board of Education held their regular board meeting on June 12, 2023 in the board room in Calmar. The meeting was called to order by president Wendy Mihm-Herold at 5:30 pm.
After the Pledge of Allegiance was recited, roll call took place: Present: Craig Neuzil, Don Schroeder, Ron Hemesath and Wendy Mihm-Herold. Absent: Patricia Schissel.
Moved by Neuzil and seconded by Schroeder to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Review and discussion took place about previous minutes, bills, appointments, resignation, open enrollments and donations. Moved by Neuzil and seconded by Hemesath to approve the consent items which included the resignation of Jason Ohrt – Assistant Varsity Track Coach; Mandi Perry – Paraprofessional. Appointments: Meghan Herold – Assistant Large Group Speech; Kim Numedahl –Cook Point of Sale; Deb Eichenberger – PT Cook; Jackie Henning – Paraprofessional. Motion carried unanimously.
Mihm-Herold welcomed visitors.
Old Business: None
New Business:
- Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Neuzil to renew insurance with EMC and Student Accident insurance for the 2023-2024 school year. Motion carried unanimously.
- Moved by Neuzil and seconded by Hemesath to approve the First reading of Board Policy 507.9 and 507.9R1 Wellness. Motion carried unanimously.
- Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Neuzil to approve the 2024 District ICAP Plan. Motion carried unanimously.
- Moved by Neuzil and seconded by Hemesath to approve making investments with Iowa Schools Joint Investment Trust (ISJIT) and to renew a 17-month CD with Fidelity bank. Aye: Neuzil, Hemesath and Mihm-Herold. Nay-None. Schroeder abstained from voting. Motion carried.
- Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Hemesath to approve the sale of 225 chrome books with chargers for $10 each. Sale will take place July 10 and 11. Motion carried unanimously.
- Moved by Hemesath and seconded by Schroeder to approve membership with Rural School Advocates of Iowa (RSAI) and not to join Iowa School Finance Information Services (ISFIS). Motion carried unanimously.
- Moved by Neuzil and seconded by Hemesath to approve the Track resurfacing by Midwest Tennis and Track for $65,150.00. Motion carried unanimously.
- Moved by Neuzil and seconded by Schroeder to approve the facility usage agreement with St. Aloysius for use of their gym. Motion carried unanimously.
- Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Hemesath to approve the IASB Legislative priorities to include: 1. Area Education Agencies; 2. Teacher Recruitment and Licensure; 3. School Funding Policy; and 4. School Safety. Motion carried unanimously.
- Moved by Neuzil and seconded by Hemesath to approve the continued sharing agreements with Howard Winneshiek for the Operation and Maintenance Director, Transportation Director and Superintendent for the 2024 school year. Motion carried unanimously.
- Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Neuzil to approve the purchase of cameras for the EL/MS from Hawkeye Communications $7,896.28 and to purchase a freezer door for the EL/MS from Dakota Supply for $3,220.42. Motion carried unanimously.
- Moved by Neuzil and seconded by Hemesath to approve the district handbooks for FY24 for Preschool, Elementary School, Middle School, High School, Classified Handbook, Certified Handbook, Coaches Handbook and the 504 Handbook. Motion carried unanimously.
Administrative reports were provided by Ms. Pope and Mr. Einck.
The next regular meeting will be July 10 at 5:30pm in the Board room in Calmar.
Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Hemesath to adjourn at 6:37 pm. Motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted
Kris Smith Wendy Mihm-Herold
Board Secretary Board President