South Winneshiek Community School District
Board of Education Meeting Minutes
March 12, 2018
The March 12, 2018 regular board meeting of the South Winneshiek Community School District Board of Education was called to order at 6:02 pm by board president Wendy Mihm-Herold.
Roll Call: Present: Wendy Mihm-Herold, Jenny Johnson, Patricia Schissel, Don Schroeder and Bob Busch. Absent: none.
Moved by Busch and seconded by Johnson to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
Discussion was held regarding consent items which include previous board minutes, financial reports, bills, open enrollment, appointments, resignations and acceptance of donated items to the district.
Resignations: Bailey Timp – Paraprofessional; Jessica Tekippe – One Act and Large Group Speech. Appointments: none. Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Busch to approve the consent items. Mr. Einck did make note that the speech program was not going away; SW is committed to finding a suitable replacement for the speech program.
President Mihm-Herold welcomed visitors.
Old Business:
- Moved by Johnson and seconded by Schissel to approve security upgrades in Ossian provided by Hawkeye Security for $25,746 and the purchase of additional POE switches with installation by SW staff at a cost of $9,300. Motion carried unanimously.
New Business:
- Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Busch to approve the bargaining agreement with the South Winneshiek Education Association for a two-year agreement 2018-2020 which includes the addition of $350 to the generator base each year and to change the FFA Advisor on the supplemental schedule by making three categories: FFA Advisor 1st Semester, FFA Advisor 2nd Semester and FFA Advisor Summer, each with three steps; Step I 5%; Step 2 6% and Step 3 7%. Motion carried unanimously.
- Moved by Busch and seconded by Johnson to approve the 2018-2019 bargaining agreement with the South Winneshiek Educational Support Professionals with $0.40 on base wage; bus drivers will receive $20 on base wage. Motion carried unanimously.
- Moved by Johnson and seconded by Schissel to set the public hearing date for the 2018-2019 certified budget for April 9 at 6:00 pm in the Calmar board room. Motion carried unanimously.
- Moved by Busch and seconded by Johnson to approve Hacker Nelson & Co as school auditor for the 2017-2018 school year. Motion carried unanimously.
- Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Schissel to approve the operational sharing agreement with Allamakee for .2 FTE Curriculum Director for the 2018-2019 year. Motion carried unanimously.
- Moved by Johnson and seconded by Busch to approve the Cooperative Sponsorship of swimming with Decorah for the 2018-2019 school year. Motion carried unanimously. The board also extended congratulations to Noah Faldet on his successful year in swimming.
- Summer projects:
- Ossian Erosion Control was tabled pending additional information.
- Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Busch to approve the purchase of two Mac Book Pros with docking stations from Apple for $4,357.90. Motion carried unanimously.
- Moved by Busch and seconded by Johnson to approve the ordering of boiler parts from CH McGuiness to update our pump and system at a cost of $9,606.76. Motion carried unanimously.
- Moved by Schroeder and seconded by Johnson to approve the services by Iowa Wall Saw to bore holes in the EL/MS and HS as directed by staff up to a maximum of $10,000. Motion carried unanimously.
- Moved by Johnson and seconded by Schissel to approve the purchase of a freezer $1,056.01 and lunch trays $1,444.80 from Rapids Wholesale Equipment. Motion carried unanimously.
- Moved by Johnson and seconded by Schroeder to approve the cooperative agreement with University of Northern Iowa for pre-service clinical placement. Motion carried unanimously.
Administrative reports:
- Mr. Halverson gave his report to the board with a reminder that the Middle School Play “The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe” will be held April 6, 7 and 8.
- Mr. Einck shared his report with the board; Iowa Assessments will be March 13-15. National Honor Society induction will be March 20. The Drama Department will present The Cow Tippers by Eddie Mc Phearson on March 15, 16 and 17 at 7:00 pm. Kaelan Boe, Hanna Schmitt and Danae Taylor receive music scholarships from Wartburg College. High school students will be putting on a Variety Show on March 24th at 2 PM in the HS auditorium.
Announcements: The next regular meeting will be April 9 at 6:00 pm in the Calmar Board Room.
Moved by Johnson and seconded by Busch to adjourn at 8:11 pm. Motion carried unanimously.
The Board entered into an exempt session to discuss strategy in matters relating to employment conditions of employees not covered by the collective bargaining law. Iowa Code 21.9 from 8:20 to 10:18 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kris Smith Wendy: Board Secretary
Mihm-Herold: Board President