March 5, 2020 HS Announcements

Thursday, March 5,  2020, Cycle 21,  Day 3

  • Mrs. Euans will be holding class meetings during advisory in the auditorium to hand out registration materials for the 2020-21 school year on the following dates:
    • Thursday, March 5th – 10th graders
    • Tuesday, March 10th – 11th graders
    • Thursday, March 12th – 10th graders
  • The next week, Missy Hvitved from NICC will meet with the Sophomores and Juniors to complete the online registration for college credit courses. These meetings will take place in the Study Hall during advisory.  You will need to bring your computer and your Social Security Number to complete the online form.  These meetings will take place:
    • Tuesday, March 10th – 11th graders
    • Thursday, March 12th – 10th graders
  • SOUTH WINN POST PROM POP CAN DRIVE:  Drop off your empty bottles and cans to either of the following locations:  SWHS Student Parking Lot (near Greenhouse), or SW E/MS Upper Parking Lot near Gym on Saturday, March 7th, 8 am to 12:00 noon, ALL PROCEEDS RAISED WILL DIRECTLY BENEFIT THE 2020 SWHS Post Prom!
  • SUGAR BOWL ICE CREAM COMPANY FUNDRAISER – $6/pint – 16 Flavors, contact a Junior to place your order  Orders & payment are due Friday, March 6th with delivery on Saturday, March 14th
  • LOOKING FOR 2020 LIFEGUARDS – Please fill out the application (on the office counter) and return to the City Clerk’s Office at 101 S Washington St (beside the library) in Calmar as soon as possible.
  • College Visits:
    • The Upper Iowa rep will be here on Monday, March 16th @ 10:30
    • Minnesota State College Southeast rep will be here on Friday, April 17th @ 10:30 am.  This is a community college that has campuses located in Winona and Red Wing, Minnesota. Please sign up if you would like to visit with the representative.

Thurs. March 5th –  Mandarin orange chicken over rice, steamed veggie blend, dinner roll, pears

Fri. March 6th – shrimp poppers, fries, bread, peaches