- Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance
- Roll Call
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of Consent Items
- 8.9.2021 Board Minutes
- Financial Reports
- Bills
- Appointments/Resignations/Open Enrollments
- Receive Visitors
- Spotlight on Education
- Regulation Room – Jessica Peters
- Old Business
- None
- New Business
- Approve a resolution ordering an election of the issuance of $19,155,000 General Obligation School Bonds
- Approve engagement agreement with Ahlers & Cooney P.C. as bond counsel
- Approve out of state trips
- Approve concurrent enrollment contracts with NICC
- Approve agreement with Morning Side for Teacher Education Clinical Experience
- Administrative Reports
- Ms. Nefzger
- Mr. Halverson
- Mr. Einck
- Announcements
- Next Regular Meeting on October 11, 2021 in the Boardroom in Calmar at 5:30 PM
- Adjournment