September 4, 2019 HS Announcements

Wednesday,  September 4, 2019, Cycle 2,  Day 2

  • A yearbook/publications class meeting will be held today during advisory in Mrs. Roy’s room.
  • Students planning to take the NICC Driver’s Ed. course are reminded to register by the end of the afternoon TODAY at NICC.
  • John Holland, from ICAN, is going to talk with the Juniors in the auditorium about college planning on Monday, September 9th from 10:15-11:00.  Juniors will need to be dismissed from their 3rd hour class at 10:15 on Monday.
  • The first SODA meeting of the year will be on Tuesday, September 10th during Advisory. Meet in the auditorium if you are interested in joining!
  • The South Winn FFA Member/Fan Apparel order form is now open until Sept 6th Clothes will arrive Sept 20.  Orders can be placed at the following website.
  • Sgt. Tasha Throndson of the National Guard is planning to come to speak with all the Juniors and Seniors on September 25 in the auditorium during Advisory.  She will also be bringing the rock wall, which all students can attempt after school.
  • If you are interested in joining the SODA Leadership Team for 2019-2020, please fill out the form prior to Thursday, September 6th. All sophomore, junior, and senior SODA members are welcome to apply; we will have elections if necessary. Thank you!        ~Mrs. Peters

Today’s Menu: bratwurst on a bun, sweet potato crinkle cuts, applesauce, Side Kick

Thursday’s Menu:  Mandarin chicken over rice, steamed veggie blend, dinner roll, pears

  • The junior and senior class will be traveling to NICC campus to hear Brooks Harper speak on Monday, September 16th from 12:30-2:30.
  • Two buses will be on the south side of school for students to load at 12:15. Jrs & Srs please make arrangements with your 5th, 6th and 7th hour teachers about being gone.


  • The Drake rep will be here on Monday, September 9th @ 12:00.
  • The Iowa State rep will be here on September 11th @ 10:30.
  • The Kirkwood rep will be here on Friday, September 13th @ 10:30.
  • The UIU rep will be here on Tuesday, September 17th @ 10:30
  • The Wartburg rep will be here on Tuesday, October 1st @ 10:30
  • The Hawkeye Community College Rep will be here on October 22nd @ 10:30.