South Winneshiek 7-12th Grade (MS/HS) Triple Option Football Camp

Date:  August 3rd, 4th, and 5th from 3:30-6:00pm

Location:  High school football practice field in Calmar (next to baseball field)

Cost:  FREE!

Equipment needed:  Football shoes and a water bottle


The South Winneshiek High School and Middle School Football coaching staff along with our school athletic trainer, will host the 3-day football camp.  During the camp, fundamental instructions will be provided in the flexbone triple option offense.  We will also conduct one-hand touch passing games.  There is no registration needed for this camp and the camp is considered non-contact, bags only by USA football levels for contact.  If you have any questions or if your son/daughter has medical concerns to be made aware of, please contact Coach Ohrt by email ahead of time.