Month: November 2019

November 7, 2019 HS Announcements

Thursday, November 7, 2019, Cycle 9, Day 4 REMINDER: Thursday – 2-Hour Late Start, No Early Out-4:00-8:00 Parent Teacher Conferences Friday – No School (Comp Day) Mrs. Teff’s classes report to Study Hall this morning. Library will be closed again today. Mr. Bakewell’s 5th, 6th & 7th mods will meet in the Library, 8th mod will … [Read More]

South Winneshiek 2-hour delay November 7, 2019

South Winneshiek Schools are delayed 2 hours with no early our for Thursday, November 7, 2019.  Parent/Teacher conferences will run on the regular time.

November 6, 2019 HS Announcements

Wednesday, November 6, 2019, Cycle 9, Day 3 REMINDER: Thursday – 1:17 Dismissal 4:00-8:00 Parent Teacher Conferences Friday – No School (Comp Day) Mr. Drucker’s classes will report to Study Hall today.. Girls Cross Country meeting will be TODAY during advisory. Congratulations to the Sophomore Class for winning the 2019 Spirit Cup!  Your class pizza … [Read More]

Washington D.C. 8th Grade Parent Meeting 11/6/19

There will be a parents meeting Wednesday, November 6th at 7pm for the 8th graders who are interested in going on the Washington D.C. trip next summer. The meeting will be held at the Middle School in Ossian, in Mr. Johnson’s room. If you have questions, please contact Sara Schmitt via email:   [Read More]

November 5, 2019 HS Announcements

REMINDER: Tuesday, November 5, 2019, Cycle 9, Day 2 Tuesday & Thursday – 1:17 Dismissal; 4:00-8:00 Parent Teacher Conferences Friday – No School (Comp Day) Library will be closed today. Mr. Wenthold’s classes will report to Study Hall again today.  Check Schoology for your assignments. Mr. Drucker’s 5th mod class will report to Study Hall … [Read More]

November 4, 2019 HS Announcements

Monday, November 4, 2019, Cycle 9, Day 1 REMINDER: Tuesday & Thursday – 1:17 Dismissal 4:00-8:00 Parent Teacher Conferences Friday – No School (Comp Day) REMINDER: All football players need to report to the study hall at the end of the school day TODAY to vote for team awards and turn in all equipment. Entire … [Read More]

South Winneshiek Book Fair

The fall book fair is upon us! November 4-7 Monday: 8AM-4PM Tuesday: 8AM-8PM Wednesday: 8AM-4PM Thursday: 8AM-8PM You can set-up an e-wallet for your child to use at the book fair using the link: Online orders can be made by using the link: South Winneshiek Book Fair 2019 [Read More]

November 1, 2019 HS Announcements

Friday, November 1, 2019, Cycle 8, Day 6 ALL of Mr. Bakewell’s classes will report to Study Hall today. Girls’ Basketball sign-up is on the office counter Boys’ Basketball sign-up sheet is now on the office counter. Parent meeting will be on Sunday November 10th at 7. This year’s play will be performed December 6-8. … [Read More]